Advanced Coach Training |

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Advanced Coach Training

Leadership that Works India is committed to continuous learning, training and research in the field of coaching and transformation. We continue to evolve our body of work as we expand the scope of the coaching field.

We are a wide network of coaches and facilitators who work with clients to develop their unique niche and strengths.

Leadership that Works India offers advanced courses for coaches:

Executive Coaching

This focused, intense course builds on Coaching for Transformation fundamentals and enables you to:

  1. Explore power and trust dynamics when coaching leaders through transitions.
  2. Experience the power of emergence and its application to leadership transformation.
  3. Enhance your awareness and understanding of diversity and weave its richness into coaching.
  4. Learn tools and processes to design an effective coaching journey.
  5. Support business and organizations with their contemporary challenges.

Customized Mentoring 

Our coach–educators and mentors will support you on your coaching journey as you deepen your coaching practice. The mentoring can be across many areas:

  1. Support you in earning your ICF credentials.
  2. Partner with you in deepening your coaching skills.
  3. Help you develop your coaching practice.
  4. Explore your coaching niche.

Coaching with Psychometric Assessments & 360 Feedback

  1. Access customized training with our expert coaches who provide insights into coaching using psychometric assessments and 360 feedback tools.
  2. Learn to connect the dots between traits, competencies, beliefs and behavior.
  3. Develop the ability to support your clients to step into choicefulness

Coaching with Individual Development Plans (IDP) and Pulse Surveys

  1. Learn to leverage IDPs and bring focus to coaching.
  2. Acquire the ability to work with emergence and the big picture that the client holds.
  3. Become skillful at crafting pulse surveys that support your clients to take stock of the impact they are having on their environment.

Relationship Coaching

This course focuses on supporting your clients to

  1. Develop a growth mindset in their relationships.
  2. Learn to deal with conflicts effectively.
  3. Reframe conflicts as opportunities of growth.
  4. Create a new vision for any relationship.

Intuitive Coaching

This course focuses on:

  1. Developing and using your intuition while coaching.
  2. Supporting your clients to access their intuition in everyday life.
  3. Bringing a balance between right and left-brain, integrating intuition with logic.
  4. Learning tools and practices to enhance intuitive wisdom.s

Somatic Coaching: Coaching and Body Wisdom

This course supports you as a coach to:

  1. Learn somatic approaches to connect to body intelligence in a coaching context
  2. Support clients to tap the holistic wisdom and resourcefulness of the body, mind and soul
  3. Help clients to enhance awareness and make life-serving choices

Exploring ISMs in the Asian Context

This course helps you: 

  1. Understand the different ISMs prevalent in our society, communities and organizations.
  2. Explore how coaching for equity can support unpacking and unburdening the impact of an racism, sexism, classism and more
  3. Explore implicit bias and its perpetuation through systemic structures and practices
  4. Disrupt oppressive patterns through the application of powerful coaching tools
Leadership that Works India

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Phone number: +91 9971220223

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