Leaders as Coaches | cftcourseroom.com

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Leaders as Coaches

Leaders operating within VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Adaptive) scenarios need to be adept at engaging in skilful conversations in order to navigate and work through the adaptive challenges they encounter on a daily basis.

Coaching is a practical framework for having effective, outcome aligned transformative conversations.

When leaders learn and apply a coaching approach in their leadership they take actions that are aware and deeply aligned to core values with all the stakeholders – their team members, peers, seniors, customers and supply partners.

Leadership that Works India offers customized programs and brings expertise around coach development in service to business leaders for organizations.

Outcomes that LEADERS AS COACHES can achieve

Leadership that Works, India, can support your organization with custom-made solutions based on a thorough Needs Assessment. Our framework brings in the best from Coaching for Transformation skills and how to apply them to the cultural context of your organisation.

Our approach is EXPLORE – EXPERIMENT – EDUCATE – EMPOWER and the intervention includes:

  • Learning Constructs
  • Application Bridge
  • Impact Assessment
  • Online Resources and Dialogue Center
  • Real Time Mentoring

You can avail of this solution through the following development formats:

Coaching Foundations

(Immersive 2-day workshop)

  1. Core Coaching Skills
  2. Distinguish between coaching and supervision
  3. Contract boundary conditions for effective coaching
  4. Setting up cultural norms which promote the right coaching mindsets
  5. Effective communication using coaching skills

Coaching Foundations Plus

(Immersive 4-day workshop with Psychometrics)

  1. Core Coaching Skills
  2. Everything in Coaching Foundations!
  3. Additionally learn how to hold feedback conversations using Psychometrics
  4. Equip the leaders with relevant data tools to steer the coaching process.
  5. Cultivate advanced skills for coaching.

Leaders as Coaches 

(6 months Certification)

  1. An extensive in-house six-month certification program that develops a pool of internal coaches
  2. Live mentoring and shadow coaching for the leaders to achieve excellence within their coaching framework
  3. Support leaders in achieving training that can prepare them to receive ICF certification

Coaching Based Organisational Culture 


  1. Understand cultural rituals that building a coaching climate.
  2. Facilitate application and embodiment of practices that allow for leaders to role model as coaches.
  3. Create psychological safety as well as accountability towards creating a learning and development oriented climate
  4. Develop a matrix for measuring impact.
  5. Build a communication framework and engagement framework relevant the organization.
Leadership that Works India

Email address:  cftprograms@ltwindia.com 

Phone number: +91 9971220223

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