Coaching for Social Impact |

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Coaching for Social Impact

Leadership that Works India partners with many nonprofit organizations committed to social development.

Using coaching as a mainstay intervention, we facilitate personal transformation and support role effectiveness for leaders, community organizers and contributors within these organizations.

Coaching is a highly effective tool for change makers who often deal with high levels of stress, trauma, challenge and systemic discrimination around race, gender, caste and class. An effective coaching relationship enables change makers to receive support, develop self-care practices and discover innovative strategies for navigating through resource and time constraints.

Our approach works on the following framework:


Diagnosis: Understanding the needs of your organization through one-on- one interviews and relevant surveys.


Design: Create a systemic-level coaching intervention based on the themes and patterns that emerge.


Implementation: Initiate the coaching process, including mid-pulse reviews and redesign if needed.


Impact analysis: Get feedback on the effectiveness of the intervention.


Integration: Design a sustainability plan and practices to support sustainable social development.

If you wish to engage with us in a coaching intervention for your organization, please click here click here to enquire.
Leadership that Works India

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Phone number: +91 9971220223

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