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Coaching For Transformation: 9 Month Certification Course

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Coaching is a Calling… Is it Calling You?

  • Do you want to create the life you love—and the world you want to live in?
  • Do you enjoy helping others awaken to their full potential?
  • Are you seeking a flexible work schedule with financial freedom?
  • Do you want to empower people to create compassionate families, communities and organizations where everyone thrives?
  • Are you committed to social change and want to support successful initiatives?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, you may have found your calling already: to become a Certified Professional Coach. To answer the call, you need creative, cutting-edge ways to empower people. Coaching for Transformation gives you the tools to inspire your clients and facilitate real, lasting change.

"Coaching for Transformation was a very important "Transformational" course for me. It shifted me as an individual and a coach. The course worked on the person I am and equipped me with tools to bring about shifts in myself as well as others. The course is very rigorous, with lot of inbuilt challenges and support and a good mix of theory and practice"  

Dr. Sanjyot Pethe (ACC - Corporate Coach, OD Consultant, Facilitator)

Making a Difference

As a Certified Professional Coach, from an International Coach Federation accredited school, you will be well-prepared to launch your career as a coach. Or you can become an internal coach in your organization or use coaching to take your leadership to the next level.

Coaching for Transformation gives you a wide range of skills that profoundly impact people’s lives.

You can coach your clients to make them better and more effective leaders in any field, deepen their relationships, create better organisations and teams, transform their workplace, or lead a powerful social change initiative. And so much more…

Is Our Coach Training School Right for You?

How do you know which coach training school is right for you?

Our Coaching for Transformation™ curriculum is the highest quality in the business. It’s based on 20 years of research and experience and field-tested by some of the most successful coaches in the world.

What makes Coaching for Transformation™ unique? Our graduates coach people to make the kind of changes that the world needs now. Our clients work on some of the most pressing issues of our time.

We also take a holistic approach to coaching. Coaching for Transformation™ goes beyond theories and models and trains you how to work with clients on a deeper level. You learn how to coach the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

About the Course

This course is highly experiential and involves extensive practice during in-person sessions, online classes and peer coaching. The Coaching for Transformation (CFT) graduate community in India is actively involved in the Coaching for Transformation course and would be available to support you in making learning joyful. We welcome you to build a relationship with the CFT team that lasts beyond the duration of the coaching course and to bring your own unique strengths and gifts to building this community.

This learning community attracts:

  • executives, managers, and leaders from all sectors
  • social workers, therapists, and counselors
  • organization development consultants and human resources professionals
  • educators, trainers and facilitators
  • social justice leaders, community organizers and activists

Our faculty members have an unwavering commitment to your growth as a coach and their own continuous learning. Our dynamic international team is committed to every participant becoming an excellent coach. To that end, you can count on our faculty to:

  • Co-create a safe, courageous learning environment where you can take risks
  • Give you straightforward, rigorous feedback
  • Challenge you to step into your power as a coach
  • Make room for every voice and keep group learning our first priority
  • Take advantage of learning opportunities that emerge live in the moment 

Coaching for Transformation Program Provides:


Coaching for Transformation™ is…


  • 140 classroom hours.
  • 40 practice coaching hours.
  • Business development curriculum so you attract clients before you graduate.



  • Flexible learning options through In-Person and Distance Learning programs
  • Teleclasses and online discussions about many coaching specialties
  • Inpidualized skill development with rigorous feedback 


  • One-on-one peer coaching
  • Inpidual and group mentoring
  • Unlimited access to a resource-rich online classroom
"Coaching for Transformation was a very important "Transformational" course for me. It shifted me as an individual and a coach. The course worked on the person I am and equipped me with tools to bring about shifts in myself as well as others. The course is very rigorous, with lot of inbuilt challenges and support and a good mix of theory and practice"  

Dr. Sanjyot Pethe (ACC - Corporate Coach, OD Consultant, Facilitator)


Delve into a holistic curriculum to help people create a better future. Coaching for Transformation goes beyond theories, principles, and models and works with clients on a deep level. You learn how to coach the whole person: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

You have weekly teachings, demonstrations, practice, and discussions that focus on real-life applications. Between sessions, you put the teachings into practice. As you discover your strengths, creativity, and core values, you develop the confidence to coach any client on any issue.

Coaching for Transformation takes place in a supportive learning community where you will discover how to put your clients in the driver’s seat. And that’s only the beginning.

Welcome to Coaching

  • Core Principles – Explore 3 levels of listening to help clients connect to their passion. Embody the 5 principles of coaching to honor your client’s innate wisdom.
  • Skills: The Coaches Palette – Experiment widely to learn the nuances of 23 coaching skills and when to apply them. (hyperlink)
  • Five Pathways to Alignment – Learn structures that support your client to come into more awareness, gain clarity and explore their feelings, needs, values, beliefs and perspectives and make more aligned choices. (hyperlink)
  • Culturally Aware Coaching – Deepen your awareness of power, privilege, and culture so that you can easily coach people from any culture or background.
  • Calling out the Power – Learn bold coaching methods to help your clients get unstuck and awaken to their full power. Find out how this requires you to step out of your comfort zone—as you ask your clients to do the same.
  • The Business of Coaching – Identify, design, and launch the coaching practice that is right for you. You’ll learn the nuances of starting a coaching business, marketing, pricing, and attracting clients—so your practice becomes sustainable.
  • Soul and Spirit – Explore the realms of soul and spirit, their relationship to coaching, and help spiritually-oriented clients deepen their connection to those realms. You’ll also learn to coach secular clients as you develop your intuition and explore life purpose. 
  • Celebration and Completion – Integrate your learning, celebrate your journey and your graduation as a Certified Professional Coach!

Program Components

In this highly experiential learning environment, you will participate in:

  • 140 class hours
  • 10 mentor hours
  • 40-100 practice coaching hours
  • Weekly online discussions
  • Oral and written assessments

You will also get 6 hours of coaching by a CFT coach of your choice (not included in tuition).

As a Certified Professional Coach, from an International Coach Federation accredited school, you will be well-prepared to launch your career as a coach. Or you can become an internal coach in your organization or use coaching to take your leadership to the next level.

Leadership that Works India

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Phone number: +91 9971220223

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